How can I get a promo code for Luxury Escapes?
At Coupons, we spend many hours each day searching for the best Luxury Escapes promo codes to save you money. This means that if Luxury Escapes has a promo code available, we are likely to have it available for you to use. Check out the list of offers we have above to see which promo code best suits you.
How do I use a promo code at Luxury Escapes?
At Coupons, we enjoy spending time looking for and collecting the best and most recent promo codes that Luxury Escapes has on offer, so we can save you money. We also try to explain how to use Luxury Escapes’s promo codes in a step-by-step way. Simply scroll up to the ‘Step By Step Instructions On Using A Luxury Escapes Promo Code?’ to learn more.
Can I cancel my package?
Luxury Escapes provides a 7-day change of mind guarantee for their limited-time lux exclusive packages and Luxury Escapes tours, allowing guests to cancel for a full refund, provided that the cancellation is made no less than 21 days before the check-in date. Outside of this guarantee, their packages are non-refundable.
What do I need to show when checking in at the hotel?
The hotel may ask for photo identification of the guest(s) the reservation is under. Luxury Escapes also recommend keeping a digital copy of your booking confirmation on your email or phone. Although this is simply a backup, the hotel/resort should already have this information.
In what ways does the Equivalent Package satisfy the conditions for the price match and credit?
- Be for the same hotel
- Have the same length of stay
- Have the same room type
- Have the same dates
- Have the same number of guests
- Be published online and available to the general public
- Have the same value adds/inclusions
- Include all relevant taxes, booking fees, and service charges.